Sunday, April 10, 2016

Enter Purse First: Opening for Bob The Drag Queen

Hey Squirrel Friends, are we excited? Are you feeling pumped up? I know I am and you should be too, welcome to my second blog post! Look above , do you see that name? That's me, Dottie Dangerfield on that sparkly blue poster! Do you know that international superstar drag queen above if you don't I'm about to tell you all about her! 
I was asked by Pride Toronto to be one of the Opening acts for Bob the Drag Queen from Rupauls Drag Race Season 8. at Fly which is large queer nightclub here in downtown Toronto.This was my first really big drag show here and it was definitely an experience I will never forget.

      The day started pretty early, packing my bag up and getting my crew together to rehearse for our act for the show, we practiced for about an hour at a studio downtown and we went over to my friend Courtney Conquers house to start painting our faces for the show. The time we arrived at Courtneys was about 8pm, I wanted to be at Fly for 11pm. We also had a photographer with us named Adam Zivo , taking backstage photos , filming us for a documentary about a group called Drag Coven which centers around two of the members of my act Courtney Conquers and Jamie Lynn Lambert you can follow their adventures here.

     The first thing to any Drag face is gluing those eyebrows down, for me personally the next step is applying foundation, cream contour and applying those stark white highlights on my face and setting those things with powder, usually to really make those highlights stand out you want to "bake". Baking usually involves applying a really heavy white powder on your highlights and you let it sit there for a little bit and then you dust them away and it really intensifies the highlights, I use Ben Nye's Neutral Set for my baking! 

Baking time with Whimsy Thrift and Lilith Cain
Getting that Dangerfield face ready gurl!
The steps to a drag face can take a long time  and how everyone paints their face is different , from what steps you do first, to learning your face shape and how you want to contour it and to learning what kind of eye shape you'd like to create, don't forget eyebrows, blush, lips , the list goes on but the end result is always the most amazing. For this particular event it took me about three hours to achieve the look I wanted. The longer you take on your makeup and the more time you put into it the more amazing you end up looking. The most amazing thing about the makeup is the transformation, you start acting differently, you walk differently and you are filled with this overwhelming amount of confidence. 
Here's what my makeup ended up looking like! 

Me and Courtney Conquers

Me and Fisherprice
After we were all done, we dragged our glitter filled and sparkly bodies down the street to Fly where we entered a completely packed house! There were over 400 people there who were ready to see a kickass show. We were led backstage by the Pride Toronto coordinators so we could put our things down, get settled and prepare ourselves for the show. We were then asked to go backstage to meet the headliner herself Bob the Drag Queen.

It was like this crazy surreal moment, where you see someone on television and you can't believe they're even real. We were led to her private dressing room where she greeted all of us with a smile and a hug and asked our names. We were then offered to sit down for a bit on her couch and we got to chat with her for a bit and have a real conversation with her. I was so nervous, she was really personable and warm and really made the effort to get to know each of us before the show a little bit.  She was wearing an auburn wig and was wearing a dress I myself would wear, it was floral and above the knee. I was joined in the dressing room by the other performers who were also on the show with me Sapphire Titha reign and Allysin Chaynes who are two amazing Toronto queens.

Left is Sapphire Titha Reign , me in the center and Allysin Chaynes on the right with the lady herself Bob the Drag Queen.

After we met her we were led back to our dressing room, Sapphire was the first one to perform and she did a mix inspired by Grinder and other dating-type websites, she even had a hilarious eggplant on stage with her that she used for different purposes, Allysin did a mix where she was a robot and combined voice over and different audio clips.

After they finished I stood in the audience and waited for my turn, I could feel my heart beating crazy fast in my chest, the crowd was cheering, my palms were sweaty and I could feel that adrenaline coming on when you are about to go on stage. There were a million thoughts running through my head and all of them focused on my performance. My Mix was a combination of Aretha Franklins Respect, into a Neon Hitch song into Warrior by Kesha. It was related to being a woman, respecting women who do drag and also realizing that all drag is good drag, weirdos do deserve a spot on stage and no matter if you are female, male, however you identify you are allowed to do drag, you are worthy, and  you are important. 

It went really well, I worked it on stage twirling and shaking all my stuff for the audience and giving them a great show , My crew and I strutted our stuff and showed them the power of the weirdos, everyone in my act did the parts as we rehearsed , they all knew their lip-synced lines and they all remembered the choreography. I was really proud of them and of myself and I am so grateful for the love and support of the audience as well as the queer community here in Toronto.

  It truly was an amazing experience and I wouldn't' trade it for the world, I am forever grateful to Pride Toronto for giving me this opportunity and I am thankful to all my friends who made it out to see me. I learned a lot about myself as a performer and even as an artist and it really showed me the things I did well and the things I need to explore a bit more and work on. 

So my glitter kittens and possums I will end this post with a photo of bob and myself! 
Till next week! #TEAMBOB


  1. Thank you so much, it was a pleasure meeting you and performing alongside you! Safe travels across the world and I hope we cross paths again! ❤����
